May 13, 2024


Campaign Overviews

New Features

  • Inbox Sync: We've implemented inbox sync to ensure your communications are always up-to-date.

  • Campaign Reporting: We've set up reporting for campaigns. Now you can track invitations sent, invitations accepted, messages received, messages seen, and responses to messages.

  • Save Text in Inbox: We've made it so that your text is saved when you navigate to a different chat in the inbox. No more lost messages!


  • Company Website Metatag Description Fetching: We've improved our AI generation by fetching the description of a company's website by default when searching for companies.

  • Persist Enrichment Progress: We've made it so that your enrichment progress is persisted when you navigate to other pages in the app.

  • Radius of Toolbar: We've increased the radius of the toolbar to 16px for a smoother look and feel.

  • Enter Key Functionality: We've improved the functionality of the Enter key. Now, pressing Enter will skip a line, while CMD + Enter will submit.

  • Body Padding and Topbar Borders: We've decreased the padding to p-2 and added a border to the top title for lists for a cleaner look.

  • Dropdown Design: We've improved the design and functionality of our dropdowns for a smoother user experience.

  • Tag Font Sizes: We've adjusted the font sizes of our tags for better readability.

Bug Fixes

  • Cursor Jumping in Text Box: We've fixed an issue where the cursor would jump around in the text box.

  • Company Size Filter: We've fixed the company size filter so it now correctly filters companies based on size.

  • No Product Added error: We've fixed an issue where the product fields would not show as editable even when no product was added.

  • List Duplication: We've fixed an issue where duplicating a list would result in a list with fewer contacts.

  • AI Generation: We've fixed an issue where outbound AI generation would not work during a demo.

  • Button Text in Toolbar: We've fixed the button text in the toolbar to correctly say "Run" and fixed the text alignment and shadow on the right-hand side.

  • Changing List Filters Defaults Back: We've fixed an issue where changing list filters would default back to the old version after a while.

  • Toolbar Design: We've fixed the design of the toolbar, including the shadows of white boxes, the divider color, padding, title, button name, and placeholder.

  • Web Search Removal: We've removed the web search from the generate option for a cleaner user experience.

  • Inbox Page Border: We've added a border to the top of the inbox page and between sections for a cleaner look.

  • Parentheses Issue in Linkedin Posting: We've fixed an issue where parentheses in Linkedin posts would cause problems.

  • Enrichment Cancelling: We've fixed an issue where cancelling an enrichment would take an excessively long time.

  • Attempted to Contact Field: We've added a new field called "Attempted to Contact" to better track the status of contacts.

  • Disconnection Alert Modals: We've fixed an issue where disconnection alert modals would show every time the app was opened. Now, they will only show once, right after disconnection happens.

  • Email Tracking Setup: We've set up email tracking to help you monitor your outreach activity more effectively.

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Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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