Feb 9, 2024


More Data Points + New Record Creation

For easy access to data points about prospects and companies, we have integrated various data sources.

Data Points Dropdown

Now you can toggle any datapoint in your lists on to enrich your leads easily. We are adding more data providers every day as we go. Currently you can toggle on:

  • company domain URL

  • Linkedin URL

  • company size

  • contact number

  • Twitter URL

  • city, country, location

  • work experience

  • and much more

New Record Creation

You can add your own records inside lists as well. Create custom fields and add your datapoints.

✅ Fixes and Improvements

  • ✅ Company finding made functional

  • ✅ Icon changes for companies and people

  • ✅ Fixed company logos

  • ✅ Navbar button design changes

⏭️ Next up

  • ⏭️ New and more detailed data grids for better list and table views

  • ⏭️ Linkedin and email integration for the inbox

  • ⏭️ Detailed person and company contact views

  • ⏭️ Email sequences

  • ⏭️ Advanced commandbar

We consider this as a big step forward in coming full circle to build the AI-native go-to-market operating system.

Click here to get early access now

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Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach