Apr 11, 2024


Quality of Life Improvements

Quality of Life announcement
Quality of Life announcement
Quality of Life announcement

We have been busy fixing and fixing.

All thanks to our users that we will pay respects to soon enough. You learn while you ship. What we learned:

-> Shipping fast is very important

-> Shipping things that work reliably are even more important

->Users will tolerate things that don’t work once

-> Users will not tolerate things that don’t work twice

New Features

  • Google Maps API Integration: We've integrated Google Maps API for location input. Now, you can easily input locations with the help of Google Maps.

  • AI Generated Columns: We've improved our AI-generated columns. They no longer get cut off after a certain number of characters.

  • Pagination for Apollo Requests: We've set up pagination for Apollo requests to make data handling more efficient.

  • Basic Info Fetching: Added a parameter to query retrieval for fetching only basic info about entries. This will make data retrieval faster and more efficient.

  • User Model Update: Added a field to the user model for inbox loading state. This will help in better tracking and managing user interactions.

  • Query Submission: Made it possible to submit a query without providing an input. This will make the user experience more flexible.

  • Provider IDs Fetching: Implemented background fetching of provider IDs to prevent disconnection.

  • Landing Page Update: The landing page now leads to search instead of the dashboard. This will make the user experience more intuitive.

  • Enrichment Marking: Entries can now be marked as enriched. This will help in better tracking and managing data enrichment.

  • Table Column Editing: Added the ability to edit table columns when enriching. This will make data enrichment more flexible and efficient.

  • Searching & Sorting for Entries: Implemented searching and sorting for entries. This will make data handling more efficient.

  • Data Points Enrichment: Implemented data points enrichment for both companies and people. This will make data enrichment more comprehensive and detailed.

  • Total Record Count: Added total record count to the query response. This will provide more detailed information about the data.

  • Chatbox Update: Disabled chatbox with CTA to connect when disconnected with previous chats. This will make the user experience more intuitive.

  • Campaign Names: Made the campaign names unique. This will make it easier for users to differentiate between campaigns.


  • Duplicate Records Investigation: Investigated duplicate records without PP for some people. This will help in maintaining data integrity.

  • Description Field: The description field is now hidden. This will make the user interface cleaner.

  • Find More Button: Removed the find more button based on user feedback. This will make the user interface more intuitive.

  • Loading Issue: Fixed a loading issue in big lists. This will make data handling more efficient.

  • CASA Security Assessment: Completed the CASA security assessment. This will ensure that our system is secure and reliable.

  • Query Names: Shortened query names. This will make the user interface cleaner and more intuitive.

  • Invite & Message Sending: Tested invite and message sending. This will ensure that our communication features are working properly.

  • Pagination Flow: Adjusted the pagination flow. This will make data handling more efficient.

  • Inbox Pagination: Set up pagination for the inbox. This will make data handling more efficient.

  • Custom Fields in Campaign Messages: Mentioned custom fields inside campaign messages. This will make campaign messages more informative.

  • Empty Entries: Fixed an issue where empty entries appear at the end of the query. This will ensure that our data is accurate and reliable.

  • Duplicate Option in Lists: Added a duplicate option under the dropdown in lists. This will make data handling more efficient.

Bug Fixes

  • Cursor Jumping: Fixed an issue where Joe's cursor was jumping around to different places in the text box. This will make the user experience smoother.

  • DataError: Fixed a DataError where the value was too long for type character varying(256). This will ensure that our data is accurate and reliable.

  • IntegrityError: Fixed an IntegrityError where update or delete on table "people_query" violates foreign key constraint "people_queryentry_query". This will ensure that our data is accurate and reliable.

  • AxiosError: Fixed an AxiosError where the request failed with status code 403. This will ensure that our system is reliable.

  • TypeError: Fixed a TypeError where the system expected a string or bytes-like object. This will ensure that our system is reliable.

  • Resize Observer Error: Fixed a resize observer error. This will ensure that our system is reliable.

  • Email Enrichment: Fixed an issue where email enrichment was not working. This will ensure that our data enrichment feature is reliable.

  • Column Regressions: Fixed regressions with dropdown. Also, selecting a row no longer causes the application to crash. This will ensure that our system is reliable.

  • Data Fetching: Fixed an issue where fetching more data does not work correctly. This will ensure that our data handling is reliable.

  • Sentry Connection: Connected Sentry to Height or Slack. This will ensure that our system is reliable and that we can quickly address any issues.

  • Previous Chats: Fixed an issue where previous chats were not shown on the inbox when disconnected. This will ensure that our communication features are reliable.

  • Language Setting in Google Maps API Calls: Set the language parameter to “en” in Google Maps API calls. This will ensure that location filters work correctly.

  • Missing Icons: Added missing icons to the newly added fields. This will make the user interface more intuitive and informative.

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