Jun 8, 2024


Find decision makers in target accounts

We launched and tested our decision maker search. Now you can specify the URLs of the target accounts you are looking to find decision makers in and run a search for multiple job titles.


  1. Run a company search

  2. Copy the domains for the companies that come up

  3. Paste them into company URLs

  4. Select the job title of the decision maker you are looking for

  5. Run the search!

New Features

  • Mentions in Email Editor and Subject: We've added support for mentioning fields inside the email body and subject. This will make your emails more personalized and engaging!

  • Invitation Note on Linkedin: We've added a feature where you can attach an invitation note when sending an invite on Linkedin. This will make your invitations more personal and increase your acceptance rate.

  • Editable Delays: You can now edit the delays in hours, days, and weeks via a dropdown. This will give you more control over your campaign timings.


  • Toolbar Design: We've removed the gray background from the toolbar for a cleaner look.

  • Campaign Topbar: We've made the topbar of the campaign identical to lists in terms of design for consistency.

  • New Step Button: We've redesigned the new step button to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

  • Input Box Design: We've made several improvements to the input box design including adding p-3 padding, giving it a white background, and adding a border. We've also removed the bottom margin for a cleaner look.

  • Email Display: We've improved the email display to show the name and email address in a more readable format.

Bug Fixes

  • Linkedin Inbox Button: We've fixed the issue where the Linkedin inbox button was not working. Now you can connect multiple Linkedin accounts without any issues.

  • Redirect Issue: We've fixed the issue where users were not redirected to the most recent page after connecting Gmail.

  • Hover States: We've fixed the hover states of divs size and removed the shadow from the add step button hover state.

  • Campaign Analytics: We've rebuilt the campaign analytics to fix the issue with the chart counters displaying wrong data.

  • Gmail Connection: We've fixed the issue where the Gmail connection was not working in settings.

  • Custom Field Context Insertion: We've fixed the bug where the custom field context insertion was getting cut off.

  • Delete Campaign: We've fixed the issue where deleting a campaign was not working. Now you can delete campaigns without any issues.

  • Minute Delays: We've fixed the issue where minute delays were not working. Now you can set delays in minutes without any issues.

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