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What's New

July 15, 2024

Outreach Expert Agent

Hire the outreach generation agent for the most human sounding messages

June 30, 2024

Sharing lists

Share your crafted lists publicly and let people duplicate it

June 23, 2024

Hubspot Integration

Integration with Hubspot to sync conversations from and to GodmodeHQ and also to use it as an exclusion list

Hubspot Integration
Hubspot Integration

June 17, 2024

Campaign Sequences with Email

Connecting Gmail and setting up sequences with email sending, Linkedin chat and connection requests in a simple workflow builder

Example steps for campaign sequences
Example steps for campaign sequences

June 8, 2024

Find decision makers in target accounts

Releasing our decision maker search feature where you can find certain decision makers inside companies

June 2, 2024

New Superbly Sweet Website Launch

We are launching our new website today. Here is a fast preview with zooms into the details. Enjoy the background music pleasee - we think this was pretty elegant so it required some pleasant and elegant music as well.

GodmodeHQ New Website Launch
GodmodeHQ New Website Launch

May 13, 2024

Campaign Overviews

Ignore is bliss - bullshit. If you don't know what gets you more leads, how are you to get even more? We ignored this in our roadmap for long and now it is live on preview. Ignorance isn't bliss, it's risky — unless it's pretending to enjoy your girlfriend's cooking."

April 27, 2024

Make outreach personal for each person

It was dark. It was cold. The messages generated were too generic, spammy and robotic. Our AI script was not reliable. We were trying everything.

Generate outreach
Generate outreach

April 16, 2024

Unified Inbox for Sales Operations

Launching our unified inbox along with Linkedin inbox integration.

Unified inbox
Unified inbox

April 11, 2024

Quality of Life Improvements

Over the last 3 weeks, we have been enjoying a lot of feedback that came in the form of improvements that are essential to use cases.

Quality of Life announcement
Quality of Life announcement

March 4, 2024

Linkedin Outreach Campaigns and Sequences

We have integrated Linkedin inbox with GodmodeHQ. You are now able to send Linkedin connection requests as well as messages to your leads on Linkedin.

Linkedin inbox integration
Linkedin inbox integration

February 16, 2024

Search Tags with AI + Filters + Company Views

AI is great and all but sometimes you would like to be the lead actor.

Search Tags
Search Tags

February 9, 2024

More Data Points + New Record Creation

For easy access to data points about prospects and companies, we have integrated various data sources.

February 2, 2024

Launching Contextual Lead & Prospect Search

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January 26, 2024

AI-First Editor + Twitter & Linkedin Hooks

AI-first Editor It might be that because we write a lot of code, we wanted to a proper content editor. An editor that does not prompt me to exit it but encourages me to stay in it. An editor that makes writing and reading fun. Introducing our in-editor AI-powered writer. Just ask what you want and it will always be on-brand and brand aware. You can even put in a link and ask it to summarise or convert it to a blogpost.

Stay updated on Linkedin for more Godmode news & updates.

Stay updated on Linkedin for more Godmode news & updates.

Stay updated on Linkedin for more Godmode news & updates.

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

Request early access

Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

Request early access

Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach