Jul 15, 2024


Outreach Expert Agent

Outreach Expert Agent

We deployed an outreach expert AI agent for a single big reason: to sound human.

Cold outreach is so crowded nowadays that people would like to be addressed by other humans. However AI has the problem of sounding like, well, AI.

We aim to resolve this problem with special instructions to AI as well as a very special addition:

  • Adding examples

New Features

  • Campaign Preview: We've added a campaign preview feature when creating a campaign. Now you can see what your campaign will look like before you launch it!

  • Customizable Delays: You can now customize the delay between actions in your campaigns. This gives you more control over the pacing of your outreach.

  • New Generation Components: We've introduced new generation components for a more streamlined and intuitive user experience. You can now generate outreach or anything else with just a few clicks!

  • Number of Employees Data Point: We've added a new data point for the number of employees in a company. This can be useful for targeting your outreach to businesses of a certain size.

  • Campaign Page for Single Campaign: We've added a dedicated page for each campaign, making it easier to manage and track your campaigns.

  • Endpoint for Editing Messages: We've implemented an endpoint for editing messages in an existing campaign. This allows for more flexibility and control over your campaign messaging.


  • Hubspot Account Management: You can now manage your Hubspot accounts at the organization level. This makes it easier to manage multiple accounts and keep your data organized.

  • Reusable Step Component: We've made the step component reusable for both preview and editing. This should make the user interface more consistent and easier to use.

  • Logging for New Generation Scripts: We've set up logging for our new generation scripts. This will help us track and improve the performance of these scripts over time.

  • Griptape Version Migration: We've migrated to a newer version of Griptape. This should improve the performance and stability of our app.

Bug Fixes

  • Cursor Jumping in Dropdown: We've fixed an issue where the cursor would jump around in the fields dropdown. This should make the dropdown much easier to use.

  • Special Characters Display: We've fixed an issue where special characters were sometimes displayed incorrectly. They should now display correctly at all times.

  • Email Bounce Handling: We've improved our handling of bounced emails. If an email bounces, we will now abort sending follow-up emails to that address.

  • Email Campaign Duplication: We've fixed an issue where the same person could be included in multiple email campaigns. Now, each person will only receive one campaign email.

  • Spreadsheet Padding: We've removed the padding around the spreadsheet for a cleaner look and feel.

  • Long Selection Styling: We've fixed a styling issue that occurred when a selection was too long. The selection should now display correctly regardless of length.

  • Response Times: We've addressed an issue that was causing long response times in text generation. Text generation should now be much faster.

  • New Lines in Previews: We've fixed an issue where new lines were not being correctly displayed in previews. Previews should now accurately reflect the formatting of the actual message.

  • Empty Cells: We've fixed an issue where cells appeared empty even though they contained values. All cell values should now be visible.

  • Workspace Field Updating: We've fixed an issue where the default 'Workspace' field was not updating when changed from the user email upon signup. The field should now update correctly.

  • Linkedin ID Fetching: We've improved our handling of Linkedin IDs. If a Linkedin ID cannot be fetched for a recipient, that recipient will now be removed from the campaign.

  • AI Generation Script: We've reverted our AI generation script to the old one to address some issues. We'll continue to improve and update our scripts based on your feedback.

  • Outreach Generation Context: We've fixed an issue where options for outreach generation were not appearing in the correct context. The options should now appear correctly.

  • Logging Linkedin Messages: We've improved our integration with Hubspot by logging Linkedin messages as "Communication" activities. This should make it easier to track your Linkedin outreach in Hubspot.

  • Script Integration: We've integrated a new version of our script for generating and asking questions. This version is more general and should provide clearer prompts for the AI.

  • Lead Research Script Integration: We've integrated a new lead research script that includes optional scraping with trafilatura and a DateTime tool for recognizing today's date. This should improve the relevance and accuracy of the leads generated by the script.

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Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach