Mar 4, 2024


Linkedin Outreach Campaigns and Sequences

Linkedin inbox integration
Linkedin inbox integration
Linkedin inbox integration

This one took time and care.

Linkedin Outreach Campaigns and Sequences

We have integrated Linkedin inbox with GodmodeHQ. You are now able to send Linkedin connection requests as well as messages to your leads on Linkedin.

  1. Select leads from your lists

  2. Click Send message

  3. Connect Linkedin with your credentials or your cookies

  4. See how many of these people you are already connected to

  5. Set a delay after your Linkedin connection request

  6. Write a message to send to people

  7. Leverage fields in your table as merge tags

We respect the limitations that Linkedin has so that your account is fully secure. Still we are

✅ Fixes and Improvements

  • ✅ We connected your whole Linkedin account

  • ✅ We are fetching your Linkedin connection

  • ✅ We integrated more reliable agents for lead search

⏭️ Next up

  • ⏭️ Inbox for Linkedin

  • ⏭️ Inbox for Gmail

  • ⏭️ Campaign reports for Linkedin and email campaigns to see conversion data

  • ⏭️ Add leads into other lists

Click here to get early access now

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach