Apr 27, 2024


Make outreach personal for each person

Generate outreach
Generate outreach
Generate outreach

It was dark. It was cold. The messages generated were too generic, spammy and robotic. Our AI script was not reliable.

We were trying everything.

Put a smiley face in front of the prompt, they said.

Make it role-play in your prompts, they said.

Use another LLM evaluator for better prompts, they said.

Collaborate on your prompts, they said.

Nothing worked.

So we got rid of the prompts. For a more reliable experience. For a warmer, for a faster generation. For magic.

We present the new Generate outreach

Generate outreach will take into account the enriched fields about your contacts by mentioning them with @ AI agent will run multiple steps to write highly personal outreach messages for your contact.

New Features

  • Invite Sending: We've implemented a new feature that allows you to send invites while taking into account certain limitations.

  • Auth Flow: We've implemented a new authentication flow to enhance the security of our platform.

  • AI Generation: We've made improvements to our AI generation feature. It now completes asynchronously when it's terminated in between.

  • Endpoint for Sending Invites: We've implemented a new endpoint that allows you to send an invite without creating a campaign.

  • Custom Fields in AI Generation: We've added support for mentioning custom fields during AI generation.

  • Data Finder Integration: We've integrated a new data finder to enhance our search capabilities.

  • LinkedIn Inbox Integration: We've integrated LinkedIn Inbox into our platform as per user request.

  • Endpoint for Ordering Columns: We've implemented a new endpoint that allows you to order columns as per your preference.

  • Campaign Logging Setup: We've set up campaign logging to help you track your campaign activities more effectively.

  • Sync Tracking Implementation: We've implemented sync tracking to help you monitor your data synchronization processes.


  • Invite Sending: We've improved the invite sending process by taking into account certain limitations.

  • AI Generation: We've improved our AI generation feature. It now completes asynchronously when it's terminated in between.

  • Endpoint for Sending Invites: We've improved our system by implementing a new endpoint that allows you to send an invite without creating a campaign.

  • Custom Fields in AI Generation: We've improved our AI generation feature by adding support for mentioning custom fields.

  • Data Finder Integration: We've improved our search capabilities by integrating a new data finder.

  • LinkedIn Inbox Integration: We've improved our platform by integrating LinkedIn Inbox.

  • Endpoint for Ordering Columns: We've improved our system by implementing a new endpoint that allows you to order columns as per your preference.

  • Campaign Logging Setup: We've improved our system by setting up campaign logging.

  • Sync Tracking Implementation: We've improved our system by implementing sync tracking.

Bug Fixes

  • Cursor Jumping: We've fixed an issue where the cursor was jumping around in the text box.

  • AI Generation Failure: We've fixed an issue where AI generation was failing.

  • IntegrityError: We've fixed an IntegrityError that was causing a NOT NULL constraint failure.

  • Message Cut-off on LinkedIn: We've fixed an issue where the last couple of lines of messages were being cut off on LinkedIn.

  • Last Message Update: We've fixed an issue where the last message of a chat was not being updated in the left sidebar.

  • Contact Field Design on Modals: We've fixed the design of the contact field on modals.

  • Background Color: We've fixed an issue with the background color.

  • Send Campaign Button: We've fixed an issue where the Send Campaign button was not working.

  • Company Size Search: We've fixed an issue where the company size was not working with the company search.

  • Inbox Update: We've updated the inbox to have subject and to fields for Gmail.

  • Button Update: We've updated the button to have send text and a shortcut.

  • Open Button on Select Box: We've fixed an issue where the open button was on top of the select box.

  • Web Search Output: We've fixed an issue where clicking on web search was showing output as text.

  • Column Width: We've fixed an issue where the width of the columns was not large enough by default.

  • Dropdown Expansion: We've fixed an issue where the dropdown was not expanding with long texts.

  • Industry Field Removal: We've removed the Industry field as it was causing confusion.

  • First Option Under Status: We've fixed an issue where the first option under status did not exist.

  • Row Loading for Sorting and Filtering: We've fixed an issue where entire rows were being loaded for sorting and filtering.

  • Campaign Generation: We've fixed an issue where campaigns were generating non-text.

  • New Row Creation: We've fixed an issue where new row creation was not working.

  • Campaign Modal: We've fixed an issue where the campaign modal was broken.

  • Modal Breakage: We've fixed an issue where the modal was getting broken for other tabs as well.

  • Multiline Chatbox: We've fixed an issue where the multiline chatbox was broken.

  • App Redirection: We've fixed an issue where on reopening the app, redirection was going wrong.

  • Looping Calls to Apollo: We've fixed an issue where looping calls to Apollo were exceeding our rate limit.

  • Inbox Message Sync Latency: We've fixed an issue where there was a noticeable latency in syncing messages in the inbox.

  • 3 Dots in Toolbar: We've improved the UX of the 3 dots in the toolbar.

  • Last LinkedIn Post Display: We've changed the "Last LinkedIn Post" field to display text instead of a link.

  • Data Finder for Outreach: We've created a workflow for the data finder for outreach.

  • Deleting Rows: We've fixed an issue where deleting rows was causing enrichment data to disappear.

  • CTA for Starting a Campaign: We've implemented a CTA for starting a campaign.

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach

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Make revenue easy

Build 5x more relationships with personal outreach